Monday, March 17, 2008

Spring is on its way

Or I'm hoping to see spring soon. After a few decades in Atlanta, I'm ready to start in the garden. However, it's still a bit cool.

Sought out a nursery this weekend to help with planning the backyard. The yard is a small square space with too much cracked and messy concrete that simply has to go. And no color, making it especially drab in the winter. The other half feels that we should populate it with native plants and while I don't oppose that, it may prove difficult. The nursery didn't carry too many native plants. I stopped off at Lowe's today at lunch time and they didn't carry too many native items either.

Nevertheless, we purchased a few packs of pansies to put in the flower pots at the front door, that previously held dead, colorless plantings from the prior season. We also picked up a very bright blue ceramic bird bath now standing in the middle of the yard.