Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Moving day was Tuesday. I prepared by traveling to Atlanta on Saturday and spent the rest of the day and Sunday looking through the excess of belongings with Noel and deciding what should stay and what should go to Goodwill. We filled too many trash bags with stuff. I'd always thought that we weren't avid consumers; how do we then accumulate so much stuff?

Monday was packing day. Two packers arrived at 830a and worked until 7p, with only a short break. At the end of the day, our lives were in boxes. There was no tv, no clock to tell time, no lamps (certainly none with light bulbs). By 830, we were in bed; Noel sleeping and me trying to read. After attempting to read with one eye open and not remembering all the words, I too gave in and went to sleep.

Three o'clock in the morning and we're both up. Cleaning out the refrigerator, actually throwing out the partially used containers of everything. A stick and a half of butter, wasted in the trash. Soda cans for my brother. Boca burgers for mom. Unhooked the washer, dryer, water line to the refrigerator. Pacing around the house, waiting for the movers. They finally arrived at 10a and moved everything out until 530p. I followed with broom and vacuum. Noel left after lunch with a car loaded with everything the movers wouldn't take. Mom showed up at 3p to pick me up and had to wait on the remaining chair in a VERY cold house. We checked everything multiple times to be sure nothing was left that shouldn't be there. Yes, the metal ladder that we really don't care for did go. The driver told me that Mr. Noel told her it stayed, but I told her that I think we'd better take it just in case.

Mom baked some fish and vegetables and we were off to bed by 9. I have no memories until 6 the following morning.

After a doctor's appointment with Mom in the morning, we were off to the airport. Twenty one years in Atlanta ended officially today.

Left behind are many memories. Boxes of pictures. My growing up as an adult happened there and I'll miss the memories of friends and former colleagues. I'll miss the mild winter, the great long fall season and my wonderful gardens. My mother and our wonderful neighbor. I'm glad to leave behind the virulent anti-gay attitudes, intolerant baptists and other fringe religious zealots. This is a state that wasted time, effort and tax dollars on an anti-gay marriage amendment to the state constitution. A drastic step for no purpose. After years of anti-gay resolutions, laws, disregard for gay person's rights and wills, the amendment did it to me. Too many years of paying too much in taxes for that personal abuse by the state. It's over. No more taxes to an unfriendly place.

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